Monday, August 12, 2019

Cultural Event Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Cultural Event Report - Essay Example The museum was established in 1984 and was referred to as the Center of Fine Arts, but later on in 1996 its status was raised and was referred to as the Miami Art Museum. The dates of this event were from January 12th to the 16th of the year 2012. It was dubbed as the Miami International Art Fair. The event had several prominent guests, artists, musicians as well as some government officials. Some of the artists, Christopher Reilly and Richard Prince had attended the event to give full insight on their art work. The event was also where premiere galleries all across the globe, art collectors as well as curators meet yearly. The excitement could be felt while a person made his or her way into the museum. It was like going to a cinema to see a new Spiderman movie debut or having the chance to seat next to your favorite artist and consult with him or her. The Low Country by Elisabeth Condon and the Swimmers by Demi drawings were the two paintings that captured the eyes of the audience. Low Country is a new painting by Elisabeth Condon. The painting is light, balancing and opalescent. It is characterized by rubbings and markings as well as filled forms and emptiness. The painting was set on an acrylic canvas board of 36 by 60 inches in length (MAM, 2012). According to Elizabeth Condon, the painting portrays political resistance that followed after the literati customs. It portrays the Chinese intellectuals who preserved the cultural practice despite pressures by other powers to cease their practice. The second painting, Swimmers by Demi drawings, was painted in the year 2011. The painting was set on a color pencil canvas board. It has a dimension of 11 by 14 inches. This work is composed in an open and flexible way (MAM, 2012). In it, a person can see how painting turns into an escapade without tenets whose freedom and lyricism remind s people of the greatness of Paul Klee. In conclusion, the event could be summarized as a success from the lighting, to the

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