Saturday, December 7, 2019

Research Proposal Statistics and Business Research Method

Question: Write a research proposal to identifying issues faced by Dominos Australia in managing reward and recognition system for retaining employee motivation. Answer: Chapter 1: Introduction 1.0 Introduction The focus of managers of every organization is to get things done by the employees, that needs high level of employee motivation in the workplace. However, employee motivation is not so easy task because the managers has to identify the specific needs of the employees and fulfill their needs in order to motivate them. Employee motivation is the high level of energy, enthusiasm, creativity and commitment of the employee, which they bring to their job role (Graves, Sarkis and Zhu 2013). Furthermore, the motivational level of the employee is only instigated when the realize their interest are actually fulfilled by the employers. In this context, the concept of reward and recognition arises that are considered to be some of the motivational tools. Reward and recognition mean total return offered by the employer to their employees upon the contribution to the organizational goals. It contributes to the strategy of the organization towards shaping the behavior of the employees. The organiz ation that is chosen for this research proposal is Dominos Australia, which is a renowned pizza chain operating in Australia ( 2016). In this research proposal, the researcher will apparently describe the issues regarding the reward and recognition management of Dominos Australia that is hampering the employee motivation level. 1.1 Problem Statement Dominos Australia, which is the largest America based pizza chain, also operates in international basis including Australia. Though the organization offers best quality pizzas to the customers, it has been found that the attrition rate of employees in this organization is increasing day by day (Lazaroiu 2015). The reason behind this attrition rate is that the organization is not able to properly offer reward and recognition to the employees as per their contribution rate to the organizational success. It can also be found that the organization is only concerned about the earning profit and not about employee values (Bradleret al. 2013). Apart from that, it can also been found that the management of the organization is organization is only providing monetary benefit to the employee and not providing any kind of praise and recognition to the employees. Thus, employee motivation level is diminishing by reducing their productivity level. 1. 2 Research Objectives and Questions 1.2.1 Research Aim This research proposal is aimed at identifying issues faced by Dominos Australia in managing reward and recognition system for retaining employee motivation. This research proposal will also examine the strategy applied in reward and recognition management system. Furthermore, the aim of the research proposal is to provide effective solution to the organization in improving the employee motivation. 1.2.2 Research Objective To identify the impact of reward and recognition on the motivation of employees To examine the reward and recognition strategies adopted by Dominos Australia To identify the issues faced by Dominos Australia in motivating employees To provide proper solution in improving reward and recognition system of Dominos Australia 1.2.3 Research Question What is the impact of reward and recognition on the motivation of employees? What are the reward and recognition strategies adopted by Dominos Australia? What are the issues faced by Dominos Australia in motivating employees? What kind of reward and recognition strategies should Dominos Australia adopt in improving employee motivation? Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Concept of Reward and Recognition Reward and recognition management is the way adopted by organization to form and implement the strategies to reward the employees as per their contribution to the organizational success. The rationality of reward and recognition can be seen in valuing the employees for their performance. Rewards are the monetary benefit offered to the employees that are tangible in nature. According to Hofmans,De Gieter and Pepermans(2013), performance based rewards are typified as incentives, bonus, merit pay and commission that values the contribution of the employees towards the organizational success. On the other hand,Yidong and Xinxin(2013) opined that recognition is non-monetary in nature and it is provided to the employees for their psychological benefit. Many of the employee in todays modern age, are only motivated through recognition from the high level management in terms of empowerment and participation in the decision making process as well as praise from their leaders. It has been found that Coca Cola Amatil of Australia use give reward to their employees through profit sharing and thus, the employees are extremely motivated towards the organizational goal (Aguinis, Joo and Gottfredson 2013). On the other hand, Dick Smith Food of Australia allows their employees in decision making process as recognition process that creates a sense of value within the employees (Cho and Perry 2012). 2.2 Concept of employee motivation Employee motivation is the concept of fulfilling the needs and demand of the employees and treating them positively through providing values. According to Anithas(2014), motivation of employees begins with recognizing the employees for their achievement and providing pleasant working condition that meet their basic emotional and monetary interest. On the other hand, Paillet al. (2014) opined that employees are motivated in their workplace either by getting paycheck from the organization or by engaging themselves in such a jog role that makes them to be proud. According to Grandey, Chi and Diamond(2013), employee motivation often depends on the action of management and leader that empowers the employees and enhance their motivation level. It has been found that Lion Food Organization of Australia practice participative leadership and delegate authority to the employee that enhances their sense of value. On the other hand, Cho and Perry(2012) opined that employees are motivated when th ey know that their hard work will be valued by the management of the organization and thus, they will financially reward the employees on high level of achievement. It has been found that Darrell Lea Organization of Australia provides incentive to their employee in exchange of high level of achievement that motivates their employees through proving their worth (Hofmans,De Gieter and Pepermans 2013). 2.3 Motivational Theory 2.3.1 Herzberg Theory of employee motivation According to Malik and Naeem(2013), Herzberg theory of motivation determines all the factors that are related to the motivational level of the employees. On the other hand, Yidong and Xinxin(2013) opined that this theory determines the factors that actually prevent dissatisfaction of the employees as well as the factors that actually motivates the employees. The factors that prevents employee dissatisfaction are called hygiene factors. On the other hand, the factors that promotes the motivation level of the employees are called motivators. According to Lazaroiu(2015), hygiene factors are related to competitive pay, company policy, working condition and leadership style of the organization. On the other hand, Bradleret al. (2013) opined that motivators are related to recognition, responsibility, promotional opportunity and challenging work. It has been found that the employees of Coca Cola Amatil are quite happy with the competitive pay and flexible working condition of the organizati on that also increase their productivity level (Aguinis, Joo and Gottfredson 2013). On the other hand, it has been notified that Lion Food Organization provide internal promotional opportunity to the employee through providing challenging work to them. It has proven the worth of the employees in the organization (Anitha 2014). Figure 1: Herzberg Theory of Motivation (Source: Malik and Naeem 2013) 2.4 Relationship of reward and recognition with employee motivation Employees are motivated towards high level of production and efficiency, when they realize their contribution to the organization success are actually valued by the employers. Organizational managers are concerned about fulfilling the deep needs of the employees towards motivating them.According to Grandey, Chi and Diamond(2013), proper reward from management as per the contribution of the employees drives the need of acquiring something. On the other hand, Graves, Sarkis and Zhu(2013) pointed out that the drive of the employee regarding bond is best met through providing openness and collaboration in the workplace that encourage the employees for efficiently work in the workplace. According to the previous researcher, it has been found that employees who are challenging in nature are motivated through providing challenging work that meets the comprehend needs. Lazaroiu(2015) suggested that transparent and trustworthy performance management process by the management drive the needs o f defend to be met that motivates the employees. Chapter 3: Research Methodology 3.0 Research Philosophy According to Robson and McCartan (2016), research philosophy is technically the research procedures, which helps the researcher in collecting data and construct analysis. There are three different kinds of research philosophy, which are positivism research philosophy, realism research philosophy and Interpretivism research philosophy. Mackey and Gass (2015) pointed out that out of all research philosophies, positivism research philosophy helps in gathering factual data, which indicates that the most authentic outcome will be generated. Therefore, in this research positivism research philosophy will be used. 3.1 Research Approach Research approach depends upon the types of variables that are used in the research. For this particular research, reward and recognition are the independent variables and employee motivation is the dependant variable. Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault (2015) pointed out that inductive research approach and deductive research approach are the most common approaches, among which the earlier sets up theories and models at the end and the later approach is based on models and approach evaluation to determine recommendation. This research will use deductive research approach as concepts, theories, models will be evaluated in literature review section, and recommendations will be formed at the end. 3.2 Research Strategy Appropriate research strategy helps in gathering the most relevant data for accomplishing the research. The most relevant strategies are focus group, case study, interview and survey. Focus group and case study are used mostly in secondary data collection method, as the most authentic and relevant cases from secondary sources are collected. On the other hand, Flick (2015) pointed out that interview and survey strategy is most suitable for primary data collection, as direct response from sample size is collected. This research will therefore be based on interview and survey research strategy as direct response will be collected. 3.3 Data Collection For a research, the most common data collection techniques are primary data collection and secondary data collection. In secondary data collection technique, the researcher collects data from case studies and relevant secondary sources, which are mostly historical data (Neuman and Robson 2012). In primary data collection technique, direct response from sample size is collected and through calculation, research outcome is generated (Billig and Waterman 2014). Moreover, in primary data collection technique, qualitative and quantitative procedures are selected. This research will be based on primary data collection technique and for qualitative data collection, three managers of Dominos Australia will be selected and for quantitative data collection, 50 employees will be selected. 3.4 Sample Selection The widely used sample selection technique is random sampling, as unbiased data is collected through primary data collection technique (Gast and Ledford 2014). In this research as well, random data sampling technique will be used and any employee of Dominos Australia will be selected. For qualitative data collection, three managers of Dominos Australia will be selected randomly and for quantitative data collection, 50 employees will be selected. 3.5 Data Analysis The data collected from primary data collection technique will be analyzed through statistical technique. For this, Likert 5-point Scale analysis will be used in questionnaire form and from there mean, median, mode and standard deviation will be calculated. Mean will determine the average response, median will determine scope of improvement, and mode will determine maximum response and standard deviation will determine risk pertaining to the organization. 3.6 Ethical Consideration This research will be based on primary data collection and therefore, the researcher will take permission from the respondents prior to data collection. The respondents will be allowed to quit at any time and none of them will be forced or harmed. The research outcome will not be utilized for commercial purposes and it will be under compliance of data protection act. 3.8 Gantt chart Figure 2: Gantt chart (Source: Created by Author) 4.0 Expected outcome While accomplishing the research proposal, it can be assumed that the relevancy of the research topic will be justified. From the literature review, it has been identified that proper reward and recognition system has greater impact on the motivational level of the employees, as it creates a sense of value on the mind of the employees. Therefore, it is expected that proper rewards and recognition system will enhance the motivational level of Dominos Australia. However, the response from that respondent can be biased therefore, proper recommendation will be offered to Dominos Australia regarding the motivational tools. 5.0 Conclusion While concluding the study, it can be said that though Dominos Australia is able enough to provide quality pizzas to their customers, it is notable to make their employees satisfied enough due to improper reward management system. The study suggested that employees are motivated in their workplace while they have sense that their contribution in the organizational success are actually valued. Therefore, therefore, Dominos Australia should adopt appropriate reward and recognition system that will enhance the worth of the employee in the workplace so that they become motivated towards their job role. Reference List Aguinis, H., Joo, H. and Gottfredson, R.K., 2013. What monetary rewards can and cannot do: How to show employees the money.Business Horizons,56(2), pp.241-249. Anitha, J., 2014. Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Billig, S.H. and Waterman, A.S. eds., 2014.Studying service-learning: Innovations in education research methodology. Routledge. Bradler, C., Dur, R., Neckermann, S. and Non, A., 2013. Employee recognition and performance: A field experiment.ZEW-Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper, (13-017). Cho, Y.J. and Perry, J.L., 2012. 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